Floor/Tile Estimating and Carpet Laying

Eliminate the more inconvenient tasks associated with internal dimension measurement for carpet laying. Cumbersome tasks can now be a thing of the past. Imagine eliminating backache as the result of continuous stooping for measurements. Reduce time spent measuring to a third.

Imagine being able to measure up rooms in accordance with the architect's plan, transfer the data, and then print out the protocol. Incorrect calculations and area estimations can cost you money. Measure areas in a few seconds.

Suppose you, as a carpet layer, come into a newly-constructed building, carrying a DISTO 330i and a portable computer and leaving the paper and pencil at home.

Save more than 2 hours per day, working easier and faster with no more transcription errors. You only need to do the job once. Isn't it time you received the red carpet treatment?

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